small business
Albert Washington - On his business, church, and growing up in Northside
This interview is part of the Marian Cheek Jackson Center’s Oral History Trust. Albert (Bruce) Washington, III grew up in Chatham County with his mother and in Northside with his father and extended family. He was an only child, but grew up in the context of many cousins, aunts, and uncles who…
Albert Washington - On his business, church, and growing up in Northside
Regina Merritt and Mary Cole - On land ownership, integration, and racism
“My parents always taught us you know who you are, no matter what you say to me or what you call me, I know who I am. And that stayed with me for years. Because people are going to talk about you, you cannot stop people from talking. They can say what they want to say to you, but you know who you…
Regina Merritt and Mary Cole - On land ownership, integration, and racism